Trendy Adventurer. Chinese travel agent based out of the city of Hangzhou. Make your travel easy. Stay off the beaten path.
Discover real China. Contact us to book today.
0086 571 86291095 (Priority) / 0086 1 515 818 35 37

Our Story
For going on 4 years our focus has been to provide the most authentic in cultural experiences while keeping beaten-path travel experience at a safe distance.
We believe that culture is best absorbed head-on, hands-on, through experience. Those who visit with us become a monk for a week, craft items of tradition under the instruction on cultural heritage artisans, and discover a land of places with roots that go deep into the history of mankind.
Every month the team delivers unique opportunities - doorways of discovery that lead through into this ancient homeland.
Inspiring travel & making travel inspire.
What sets Trendy Adventurer apart from traditional China travel companies is closeness. We don't deal in mass produced, conveyor-belt style tour experiences - we want to do away with the distance and treat you and yours as we would a visiting friend. An added benefit to the customer is flexibility.
Do you have a particular vision of what you want your travel to be; want it to feel? Let us help you find that feeling!
Make enquiries or bookings and specify customizations using the chat box found on any page of this website.